You are viewing all Organic Growers Supply products related to “garlic.”

Items related to "garlic" in Organic Growers Supply
Results in our other divisions:
15 in Fedco Bulbs  1 in Fedco Seeds 

Amendments and Fertilizers

Planting Mixes

Planting Mix
3G Greener Garlic Grower
NPK: 3-3.5-3.5 avg. plus sulfur. With 3G Greener Garlic Grower, you can expect better spring emergence, more vigorous plants, bigger bulbs and richer flavor. Blended in-house. read more


Planting Mix
5G Grow Great Garlic Greener, Guaranteed Kit low stock
Just as 5G ushered in a new telecom era, our 5G kit will revolutionize your garden’s garlic game. You’ll be effortlessly broadcasting and... read more




The definitive guide to growing garlic. He covers varietal differences and history, and provides in-depth cultural information on growing, harvesting, storing and marketing garlic. read more
