Nameko Mushroom - Organic


Nameko Mushroom - Organic

Pholiota nameko Gelatinous orange-to-amber caps thicken soups and are popular in Japanese cuisine. Fruity earthy aroma pairs well with dark green veggies, red meat and miso soup. Produces in the cooler temperatures of fall. Grows on oak, aspen, maple and other hardwoods. If planted in beds, use fresh hardwood chips.

Plug Spawn are small wooden dowels colonized by mushroom mycelium, in bags of 100 or 500.
Sawdust Spawn is hardwood sawdust colonized by mushroom mycelium; bag contains 5½ lbs.
Not available in kits. Maine Grown.

OGThis item is certified organic

7611 Nameko - Organic
Item Discounted
L 7611 A: 100 plugs, 100 for $18.00
L 7611 B: 500 plugs, 500 for $36.00
7611 C: Sawdust spawn, 1 for $30.00
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