Purple Majesty


Purple Majesty

purple skin, purple flesh All rise for this stately spud, this magnificent murphy, this towering tuber, this pompous purple potato! To manufacture an ounce of the original royal purple, Phoenician dye-makers had to crack the shells of a quarter million tiny mollusks, extract the drops of mucous and expose it to sunlight for a precise amount of time—thus the substance was worth its weight in gold. This potato’s deep purple hues are easier to obtain, but its unusual appearance may still command a premium price at market. Starchy enough for baking or mashing but firm enough to hold its shape in potato salads. Uniform small- to medium-sized tubers. Limited life span in the root cellar: eat ’em up. Moderately resistant to leafroll and potato virus, susceptible to most other diseases including scab. PVP.

For orders placed by March 8th, this item will ship on our regular shipping schedule, starting in early April with the warmest states and finishing by early May. Orders placed after March 8th will be shipped later, and in the order in which they were received. We cannot ship this item any earlier; we regret that we cannot honor any requests to do so.

Bulk prices (net, no additional discounts), apply to orders over $1,200. Download bulk price list

7815 Purple Majesty
B: 2.0 lb $8.25
sold out
C: 10.0 lb $25.00
sold out
E: 45.0 lb $51.00
sold out

Additional Information

Seed Potatoes

Solanum tuberosum One pound of seed will usually plant 5–8 row feet, depending on the variety; 10# will usually plant 50 row feet.

  • Early potatoes mature in 65-80 days.
  • Midseason potatoes mature in 80-90 days
  • Late potatoes mature in more than 90 days