Strong Animals Regano® Liquid
Parasite Control - Livestock Supplies

currently on backorder
Oregano oil formulation for control of internal parasites, especially coccidia. Bonus side effect: reduces methane emissions and improves feed efficiency in ruminants. read more


Parasite Control - Livestock Supplies

currently on backorder
Herbal blend. Preliminary research at California State U showed that Vermi-tox performed as well as injectable Ivermectin in reducing strongyle eggs in the feces just-weaned goat kids. read more


Raw Apple Cider Vinegar - Organic
Supplement - Livestock Supplies

Anecdotal evidence praises raw apple-cider vinegar as a preventative for ketosis and milk fever, a parasiticide, and a treatment for mastitis. Definitely knocks algae back in stock tanks in summer. read more
