Contender Peach


Contender Peach

Prunus persica Late. NCT 544 (Winblo × complex parentage of North Carolina selections) DJ Werner, JR Ballington and DF Ritchie intro, Ag Exp Stn, Raleigh, NC, 1988.

Extend your peach season with this high-quality variety that is proving to be hardy in northern Maine. Large round bright red and yellow freestone fruit with a slightly raised suture. Firm melting aromatic yellow flesh.

Growth habit similar to Redhaven, but fruit ripens 3 weeks later. Resistant to leaf spot. Because it blooms quite late, it might escape late spring frosts. Z4 maybe Z3. (3–6' bare-root trees)

7380 Contender
Item Discounted
7380 A: 1 for $38.50
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Additional Information


Peaches are self-pollinating; one tree alone is sufficient. Plant 15–20' apart.

For more info:
About Peaches