Everbearing strawberry claimed to be the most flavorful and fragrant of the day neutrals, often referred to as “gourmet.” Berries are high in methyl anthranilate, the volatile compound that gives them their strong fragrance. Commercially grown in France where they are sold at a premium. Shorter shelf life makes them better suited for local markets. Plants bear medium-small glossy red berries prolifically from summer into fall the first year. Second year bears a heavy spring crop with continuously ripening berries throughout the summer. Z4. (virus-free bare-root crowns)
Fedco Trees
Orders with subtotals $1,200 and above receive bulk pricing. Bulk prices will automatically be applied.
If you have placed orders totaling at least $1,200 at Fedco within the past 12 months, additional orders qualify for bulk pricing.
Scionwood order deadline: February 21, 2025
Priority fulfillment deadline for trees: March 7, 2025
Final order deadline for trees: mid-spring, when we run out of stock
Items from our perennial plants warehouse that were ordered on or before March 7 will ship around March 26 through late April, starting with warmer areas and finishing in colder areas. Orders placed after March 7 will ship around late April through early-to-mid May, in the order in which they were received. Sorry, we cannot expedite these orders, add to existing orders or combine orders. NOTE: Scionwood and early rootstock orders ship around March 10.
Orders with subtotals $1,200 and above receive bulk pricing. Bulk prices will automatically be applied.
If you have placed orders totaling at least $1,200 at Fedco within the past 12 months, additional orders qualify for bulk pricing.