Help feed the bees and butterflies and attract pollinators to your garden. Contains 10 packets of different flowers, herbs, and greens.
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Attract and maintain a diverse population of beneficial insects and pollinators with this mix of annuals, biennials and perennials.
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Annual flowers for bouquets! Selection is similar to our Cutflower Mix, but the seeds are packed separately, so you can consider each variety’s individual growing needs.
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Mix of annual flowers that can be used for cutting. Includes aster, bachelor’s button, calendula, cosmos, zinnia, and more.
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A cheerful collection of edible flowers. Grow them to add to salads, vases, or to add color to your garden.
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Alternative lawn mix includes 13 species of short and creeping plants, many of which feed pollinators.
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Bellevalia paradoxa Dense bud spikes are greenish teal at the top and navy blue at the bottom. Florets open deep purple. Excellent fragrant little cutflowers. Attractive to bees but not to deer.
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For the Northeast. A blend of 19 perennial and self-sowing annual species native to or naturalized in northeast U.S. and Canada.
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Platycodon grandiflorus Open-pollinated. Long-lasting deep blue rounded star-shaped flowers. Buds like inflated balloons.
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Baptisia australis 3-4' x same. Vibrant blue lupine-like flowers in early summer. Bushy habit and shrub-like structure once mature. Good for erosion control. Z3.
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Begonia x tuberhybrida (140 days) F-1 hybrid. Nine bright shades for a riot of color in the garden border or hanging pots.
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Moluccella laevis (110 days) Open-pollinated. Everlasting annual. Spikes of bright green bell-shaped “flowers” turn creamy white when dried for winter arrangements.
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Amsonia tabernaemontana var. salicifolia 30" tall. Fine grassy willow-like foliage. Clusters of powder-blue star-shaped florets bloom in early June. Best planted en masse. Adaptable but performs best in full sun to part shade. Z3.
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Bupleurum griffithii (90 days) Open-pollinated. Everlasting annual. Features round leaves and unusual yellowish flowers air dry perfectly, retaining their color. Great filler for bouquets.
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Camassia quamash Silvery medium-blue 6-petaled cup-shaped flowers on strong stalks. North American native.
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Camassia leichtlinii Creamy-white-petaled mauve-anthered 2" star-shaped blossoms. Makes a graceful companion to flowering onions and holds up well in bouquets.
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Campanula carpatica Open-pollinated. Perennial. Also known as Bellflower or Carpathian Harebell. Masses of light azure bellflowers above a tidy mound of foliage.
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Campanula carpatica Open-pollinated. Perennial. Also known as Bellflower or Carpathian Harebell. Masses of light azure bellflowers above a tidy mound of foliage. Pelleted for ease of sowing.
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Tropaeolum peregrinum Open-pollinated. Profuse 8' vines with deeply lobed foliage and clusters of lacy golden-yellow flowers.
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Celosia argentea var. spicata (75 days) Open-pollinated. Upright 20-26" tall multi-branched wheat-type celosia produces showy spikes, light pink at the base turning to a deep rose-magenta at the tip. Green foliage starts at ground level.
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Cerinthe major var. purpurescens Open-pollinated. Annual. Features coin-shaped grey-green foliage and profuse blue shrimp-like bracts with purple flowers. Beloved by bumblebees. 12-30" tall.
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Cynoglossum amabile Open-pollinated. Bright dainty 5-petaled azure-blue blossoms. 16-18" tall.
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Cleome hassleriana Open-pollinated. An organic mix of three colors: rose, violet and white.
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Plectranthus scutellarioides (45 days) Open-pollinated. Leaves are a resplendent kaleidoscope of twelve colors. Shade. 10-12" tall.
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Ratibida columnifera Open-pollinated. Yellow petals around protruding chocolate-brown center disk.
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Craspedia globosa (100 days) Open-pollinated. Globular dimpled ¾" yellow flower heads set atop durable 18" stems.
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Eranthis cilicica Bright buttercup-yellow flowers in very early spring, each with a frilly green collar which opens bronzy.
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Eucalyptus cinerea Open-pollinated. Perennial to Zone 8. Charming silvery blue-green 2" leaves make a fabulous bouquet filler that dries nicely and freshens the room with fragrant oils. 2–3' tall.
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Myosotis sylvatica Open-pollinated. Clusters of tiny sky-blue flowers. Self-seeds. 6" tall.
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Mirabilis jalapa Open-pollinated. Fragrant trumpet-shaped flowers in cerise, burgundy, pink, yellow, white. 2-3' tall.
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Galanthus elwesii Taller than the common snowdrop with larger flowers and earlier bloom time. The best variety for naturalizing, and also well suited to forcing.
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Galanthus nivalis Frosty white 3-petaled bells with a touch of emerald green on the shorter inner segments. Often one of the first signs of life emerging from the melting snow.
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Gazania rigens Open-pollinated. Singles in bronze, orange, yellow, mauve, white and sepia with yellow centers. 8-10" tall.
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Echinops bannaticus 3-4' tall. Luminous 1½" steel-blue spiky globes balance atop stiff stems with deeply divided silvery green leaves. Blooms July to August. Z3.
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Trollius 24" tall. We are crazy about Trollius. The fancy petal-filled flowers (like big overgrown hyper-selected buttercups) seem miraculous blooming so early in the season. Excellent for cutting. Z3.
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Clarkia amoena (90 days) Open-pollinated. 3" “satin flowers” blooms in red, pink, salmon, lavender and white, and with a bright red patch in the heart of the four petals. Best for cutting.
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Oligoneuron rigidum 2-5' tall. The gorgeous yellow-gold vibrancy of goldenrod packed into a dense, showy, flat-topped cluster. Attractive lush slate-green foliage. Z3.
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Anemone blanda Short daisy-like flowers with bright yellow centers in rich mixed shades of blue and violet. Enchanting dancing in the spring wind.
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Anemone blanda A mix of shades of blue, pink and white. A great ground cover in light shade and under deciduous trees. Charming and easy to grow.
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Helenium autumnale Open-pollinated. Bronze, brown, crimson and yellow for an end-of-summer display. 4-5' tall. Also called Sneezeweed.
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Hibiscus moscheutos Open-pollinated. Perennial, Zones 5-9. 6-8" saucer-shaped flowers in a mix of pinks, red and white, with contrasting red eyes where a contrast is to be had.
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Hyacinthoides non-scripta Flax-blue flowers, sweetly scented. The flower of the mythic “bluebell woods” of western Europe and England.
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Impatiens wallerana F-1 hybrid. Lavender, fuchsia, violet and cantaloupe-colored flowers. 8-10" plants.
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Ipheion uniflorum Sweetly scented low-growing flowers in a mix of colors: pale blue, medium blue, yellow, bluish-white and violet. Easy and attractive.
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Arisaema triphyllum 12–24" tall. Magical Northeastern woodland native prefers dappled shade and moist rich woodland soil. Appears midspring. Z3.
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Polemonium caeruleum (90 days) Open-pollinated. Sky blue blooms with gold stamens. Prefers shade. 1' tall.
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Talinum paniculatum (95 days) Open-pollinated. Petite pink flowers on thin stems mature into airy glistening bronze-to-burgundy sprays of teensy seedpods. Annual.
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Coix lacryma-jobi (100 days) Open-pollinated. Sets pendulous sprays of globular pearly purple-grey seeds, which may be strung as beads for necklaces. Spiky 2–3' stalks good for planters or as filler in dried fall arrangements.
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Viola tricolor Open-pollinated. Cute tricolor blooms in violet, lavender and canary yellow. 4-6" tall.
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Polygonum orientale Open-pollinated. Large tassels of pink blossoms and heart-shaped leaves 6-7' tall.
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Orlaya grandiflora (65-70 days) Open-pollinated. 2-3' with ferny foliage and sturdy stems, dainty delicacy resembling lace-cap hydrangea, with the central florets of a flat-topped cluster surrounded by a ring of larger flowers.
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Lavatera trimestris Open-pollinated. Mix contains mostly pink shades and some white. Explosion of funnel-shaped blossoms on 2' tall bushy plants.
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Leucojum aestivum var. Gravetye Giant Pure white bells with scalloped edges and green spots resemble snowdrops or giant lilies-of-the-valley. Faintly violet-scented.
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Nigella damascena (70 days) Open-pollinated. Mix of pink, blue and white flowers. Spiky decorative seed pods used in dried arrangements. 18".
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Pulmonaria 9-12" tall and eventually up to 2' wide. Periwinkle-blue buds open to pink flowers in spring. Large slate-green leaves with silver-white splotches. Woodland plant. Z3.
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Rubia tinctorum Open-pollinated. Ancient and excellent source of red dye. Harvest roots after three years and grind to yield a wash- and light-fast red dye par excellence. 4' plants.
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Lychnis chalcedonica Open-pollinated. Brilliant scarlet, cross-shaped florets. Attractive to pollinators, excellent for cutflowers. 3' tall.
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Astrantia 24-28". Clump-forming perennial makes an excellent groundcover when planted en masse. Makes long-lasting cutflowers and is also a great container plant. Z4.
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Reseda odorata Open-pollinated. Insignificant yellow-green blossoms grown for their enticing raspberry scent. Once common in Paris. Compact plants.
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Aconitum napellus 36-40" tall. Classic deep violet-blue monkshood. Delphinium-style blooms on dense showy spikes. Excellent cutflower. Attracts pollinators. Z3.
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Perovskia atriplicifolia 36-48" tall. Slender spires of lavender-blue tubular flowers midsummer. Finely divided grey-green leaves are aromatic when crushed. Z4/5.
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Chasmanthium latifolium Open-pollinated. Perennial. Strong 2' arching stems with airy flattened seedheads are beautiful for dried arrangements.
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Sempervivum Low-growing rosette-forming succulents produce runners and babies. Drought and heat tolerant. Cold-hardy too! Colorful mix of reds, greens and purples. Z3.
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Ageratina altissima Open-pollinated. Flat-topped fuzzy clusters of small pure white disk flowers bloom August through October, attracting multiple species of bees, moths and butterflies.
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Helenium autumnale 4-5' tall. Rich and blazing yellow lends itself to a vibrant end-of-summer display. Easy to grow, excellent cutflower. Z3.
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Limonium sinuatum (115 days) Open-pollinated. Mix includes lavender, rose, purple, white, yellow. Especially suited for dried arrangements, also good in fresh. 2-2½' tall.
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Puschkinia scilloides Compact racemes of white to pale blue flowers, each petal striped with darker blue. 44–6"10 open bells per stem. Plant in...
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Artemisia annua (120 days) Open-pollinated. The scent of the Common Ground Fair. Light green leaves valued for wreaths, flower crowns and other dried arrangements. Grows up to 5'.
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Cheiranthus allionii Open-pollinated. Hardy biennial, blooms first year. Charming bright orange spice-scented phlox-like 4-petaled blossoms.
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Ammobium alatum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Shimmery ½" pearl-like buds on long stems add a studded silvery sparkle to both fresh summer arrangements and to dried bouquets and wreaths.
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