It's catalog season!

Our 2024 catalogs are out! Time to curl up by the fire and dream of spring...
Didn't get one? Request a free catalog!

Three catalogs, five divisions,
everything you need for the garden, farm and orchard...

Trees & Plants for Spring

fall-winter ordering for spring shipping

Buh Bye, Syngenta

We stopped buying from the worlds largest producer of neonicotinoids.

Read more

We have Gift Certificates

Great gifts for everyone!

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Organic Growers Supply

open year round

Potatoes, Onions and Exotics

fall-winter ordering for spring shipping

Our famous catalogs...

Seeds and Supplies

Trees, Shrubs and Perennials

Flowerbulbs and Seed Garlic


seed for farm and garden

  • vegetables
  • herbs
  • flowers
  • grains
  • dye plants
open year round
Shop Seeds

supplies for your organic farm or garden

  • cover crop seed
  • soil amendments
  • fertilizers
  • pest controls
  • irrigation
  • books
  • tools, and more!
open year round
Shop Supplies

spring-planted bulbs and tubers

  • certified seed potatoes
  • onion plants
  • onion & shallot sets
  • ginger
  • sweet potato slips
  • turmeric
fall-winter ordering for spring shipping
Shop Spuds

hardy perennials

  • fruit trees and shrubs
  • shade trees
  • ornamental shrubs and trees
  • berries and grapes
  • mushrooms
  • asparagus, and more!
fall-winter ordering for spring shipping
Shop Trees

fall-planted, hardy bulbs

  • seed garlic
  • tulips
  • daffodils
  • crocuses
  • peonies
  • irises, and more!
summer ordering for fall shipping
Browse Bulbs

Bulbs & Plants for Fall

summer ordering for fall shipping

TODO What should close out this page?

So long, and thanks for all the fish!