Yellowstone Supersweet Corn


Yellowstone Supersweet Corn

Zea mays
(76 days) Supersweet F-1 hybrid. Yellow, 8" ears, 16 rows. Yellowstone’s yield per plant is breathtaking: nearly every stalk sets three ears, most full-sized and filled to the tips, and all ripening to great eating quality. This was true even in Maine’s extra dry and hot 2020 summer. Inconceivable! you exclaim? Thick ears with rounded tips and gleaming yellow kernels that are deep, large, tender with an initial snap to the bite, resonating corny flavor and extra sugar. Very vigorous 6–7' plants have broad long green leaves with ears concentrated at 2–3' high on sturdy stalks. Stunning. All this vigor lends the ears thick well-attached handles. As you harvest, put one hand on the stalk so it doesn’t break. Breeder Crookham has created a treasure we all get to savor. Intermediate Resistance to NCLB. Do not direct-seed until soil temps exceed 65°. Isolate from all other corn types by 300 feet.

661 Yellowstone
Item Discounted
A: 1oz for $7.00   
sold out
B: 8oz for $28.00   
sold out
C: 1lb for $48.00   
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Additional Information

Supersweet Corn

For decades, Fedco has been a firm proponent of “eating quality” in sweet corn with flavor, texture and kernel depth as our in-house metrics. We’re a “corny” flavor bunch, dismissing sweetness as the sole measure of breeding progress. Until recently, we hadn’t encountered eating excellence in a Supersweet (sh2) variety. Breeders have now balanced the extra-sweetness with tenderness, creaminess and full flavor. With the sh2 gene, conversion of sugar to starch occurs at a much slower rate, so corn stays sweet long after harvest.

Culture: Supersweet types germinate poorly in cool soils. Wait until soil temps exceed 65° for direct seeding—mid-June in central Maine.

Supersweets require 300' isolation from all other corn types to prevent the kernels of other corns from becoming starchy and tough. If you don’t have space to isolate, choosing a Supersweet means foregoing other sweet corn types.

Sweet Corn at a Glance

varietydayscolortype (see below)heightear length# rows
516Ashworth OP72yellowNormal Sugary60"6-7"12
541Bodacious RM77yellowSugary Enhanced87"8"18
561Incredible RM85yellowSugary Enhanced90"8"18
582Ambrosia75bicolorSugary Enhanced78"8"16
636Luther Hill OP82whiteNormal Sugary48"3-6"12
658Silver Queen96whiteNormal Sugary102"8"14-16

Types of sweet corn

Normal Sugary (su): standard varieties with traditional sweet corn texture & flavor. Sugar converts to starch quickly, so eat them within a few days. Tend to have high yields and germinate well in cool soils.

Sugary Enhanced (se): more sugar than su, tender kernels & slightly longer storage time. The * indicates heterozygous (only one parent contributes the se gene); all others are homozygous (both parents se).

Supersweet (sh2): 4 to 10 times the sugar content of su and se. Conversion of sugar to starch occurs at a much slower rate. Stays sweet long after harvest. Extra shriveled seed does not germinate well in cool soil.

Synergistic: more sugar than se. Very tender with long harvest and storage windows. Can be homozygous or heterozygous se with added sh2 kernels.

TripleSweet® Sugary Enhanced: has homozygous se kernels, and 25% of these also contain the sh2 trait.

Germination Testing

For the latest results of our germination tests, please see the germination page.

Our Seeds are Non-GMO

All of our seeds are non-GMO, and free of neonicotinoids and fungicides. Fedco is one of the original companies to sign the Safe Seed Pledge.