You are viewing all Fedco Seeds products related to “Marigolds.”

Crackerjack Mix
African Marigold

Tagetes erecta Open-pollinated. Early mix of orange, gold, yellow. Large fully doubled flowers. 30" tall. read more


Marvel II Mix
African Marigold

Tagetes erecta (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Fully double 4" pompon blooms in gold, orange and yellow. Perfect for stringing into garlands. Early to bloom, 18" tall. read more


French Marigold

Tagetes patula Open-pollinated. Single-petaled flowers set early, bloom strong until frost. Variegated petals of dark and light orange. 8" tall. read more


Brocade Mix
French Marigold

Tagetes patula Open-pollinated. Ruffled double flowers in rust, yellow, orange, red and bicolors. Neat, compact 10" plants. read more


Court Jester
French Marigold

Tagetes patula (100 days) Open-pollinated. Small single striped flowers with bright stripes of burgundy and yellow. Good for bouquets. 20" tall. read more


French Marigold

Tagetes patula Open-pollinated. A beautiful true yellow extra-dwarf crested variety. Blooms early, through summer into fall. 6-8" read more


Queen Sophia
French Marigold

Tagetes patula (60 days) Open-pollinated. Anemone-flowered dwarf. Bicolored double blooms are deep rusty orange, petals edged with gold. 10-12" tall. read more


Sparky Mix
French Marigold

Tagetes patula Open-pollinated. Mix of yellow, gold, orange and red. Double flowers are 2-2½" wide. Compact 10-12" plants. read more


Starfire Mix
Signet Marigold

Tagetes tenuifolia (68 days) Open-pollinated. Bears tiny abundant “gems” in shades of crimson, burnt orange and yellow. Excellent for containers and companion planting. Edible flowers. 12–15" tall. read more


Mexican Tarragon
Other Herb

Tagetes lucida (80 days) Open-pollinated. Aromatic leaves taste like French tarragon, but with a slightly stronger anise flavor. read more
