Papaver Open-pollinated. White spots on petals form a cross reminiscent of the Danish flag. Attractive large seedheads ideal for drying. 27" stems.
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Papaver orientale Open-pollinated. Fuzzy fern-like leaves, showy buds open to dazzling scarlet blooms with contrasting black eyes. Grows 16".
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Papaver Open-pollinated. Double-purpose poppy produces white lavender single blossoms and large seed heads. White seeds have sweet, nutlike taste. 4'.
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Papaver Open-pollinated. 3' tall. Mostly pink on the outer two thirds of the petal edge with a slight purple blush in the middle and on the petal backs. Double, but not a full pompon.
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Papaver Open-pollinated. Fire engine-red blooms resemble ladybugs with four black center dots. Compact 1½" delicate single blooms atop wiry 15" stems.
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