Vicenza Blue Lavender

Vicenza Blue Lavender

Lavandula angustifolia
Open-pollinated. Perennial to Zone 5. More compact habit than common Lavender with deeper green leaves and a more powerful, less sweet, aroma. 1' plants have bold clustered flower spikes with deep color from mid-July to early September. Flowers the first year without vernalization. Long-day perennial needs full sun. Especially attractive to pollinators. ~22 seeds in 0.03g pkt.

4586 Vicenza Blue Lavender

A: 20 seeds
B: 60 seeds
C: 300 seeds

Additional Information


~1,000 seeds/g.

Famous for centuries for its sweet soothing lasting scent. Flowers used dried in sachets, wreaths and arrangements, and as a tea for headache or exhaustion. Hardy perennial reaching 3', woody shrublike plant with grey-green needle-like foliage and lavender flowers growing on long-stemmed spikes. Attracts small pollinating insects and syrphid flies.

Culture: Likes well-drained alkaline sandy soil. Germinates in 21 days at 60–70°.


See Herb Chart for uses and cultural information.

About medicinal herbs: Archeological evidence dates the medicinal use of herbs back 60,000 years to the Neanderthals. 85% of the world’s population employ herbs as medicines, and 40% of pharmaceuticals in the U.S. contain plant-derived materials. Fewer than 10% of higher plant species have been investigated for their medicinal components. Interest in traditional herbal remedies continues to grow.

Statements about medicinal use of plants have not been evaluated by the FDA, and should not be used for the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any ailment. Before using or ingesting any medicinal plant, consult a healthcare practitioner familiar with botanical medicine.

Takinagawa Burdock and Resina Calendula, as well as oats, mammoth red clover and alfalfa in the Farm Seed section, also have medicinal uses. Medicinal herbs such as black cohosh, licorice, and many more are available as plants, and shipped in the spring with orders from our Trees division.

Culture: Some herbs are customarily grown from divisions because they cannot come true from seed, such as scented thymes and flavored mints. Some require fall sowing of fresh seed, such as sweet cicely and angelica.

Using herbs: Drying herbs at home is not difficult. Whole leaves retain their flavor at least a year. To substitute fresh herbs for dried in cooking, use triple the dried quantity called for in a recipe.

Germination Testing

For the latest results of our germination tests, please see the germination page.

Our Seeds are Non-GMO


All of our seeds are non-GMO, and free of neonicotinoids and fungicides. Fedco is one of the original companies to sign the Safe Seed Pledge.