Anuenue - Organic
Batavian Lettuce

Lactuca sativa (72 days) Open-pollinated. Slow-growing compact dark green Batavian with crisp outer leaves surrounding a round tightly-packed heart. Excellent heat tolerance. read more


Brune d’Hiver - Organic
Batavian Lettuce

Lactuca sativa (65 days) Open-pollinated. Compact hardy plants with reddish-amber–tipped green leaves and crunchy batavian taste. French heirloom stands the test of time as well as the chill of fall. read more


Cardinale - Organic
Batavian Lettuce

Lactuca sativa (48 days) Open-pollinated. Hefty wine-red Batavian forms open rosette that folds together like a romaine at maturity. Shiny red leaves, green in the center, good for baby leaves. read more


Concept - Organic
Batavian Lettuce

Lactuca sativa (51 days) Open-pollinated. Combination of Batavian and romaine, with whorling thick succulent medium-green leaves. Tolerant of heat and rarely bitter. read more


Pablo - Organic
Batavian Lettuce

Lactuca sativa (68 days) Open-pollinated. Large plants form loose heads with bronzy coloration. Green interior is sweet and mild. Always one of the last to bolt. read more


Sierra - Organic
Batavian Lettuce

currently on backorder
Lactuca sativa
(50 days) Open-pollinated. Summer lettuce aficionados can rejoice that we again have a fresh crop of organic seed for Sierra, a... read more
