Tagetes erecta Open-pollinated. Early mix of orange, gold, yellow. Large fully doubled flowers. 30" tall.
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Tagetes erecta (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Fully double 4" pompon blooms in gold, orange and yellow. Perfect for stringing into garlands. Early to bloom, 18" tall.
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Tagetes patula Open-pollinated. Ruffled double flowers in rust, yellow, orange, red and bicolors. Neat, compact 10" plants.
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Tagetes patula (100 days) Open-pollinated. Small single striped flowers with bright stripes of burgundy and yellow. Good for bouquets. 20" tall.
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Tagetes patula (60 days) Open-pollinated. Anemone-flowered dwarf. Bicolored double blooms are deep rusty orange, petals edged with gold. 10-12" tall.
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Tagetes patula Open-pollinated. Mix of yellow, gold, orange and red. Double flowers are 2-2½" wide. Compact 10-12" plants.
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Tagetes tenuifolia (68 days) Open-pollinated. Bears tiny abundant “gems” in shades of crimson, burnt orange and yellow. Excellent for containers and companion planting. Edible flowers. 12–15" tall.
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