Viola cornuta Open-pollinated. Large fragrant flowers in purple, pink, yellow and light blue striped with white and yellow strokes. Dwarf 6" plants.
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Viola x wittrockiana Open-pollinated. Perennial to Zone 6. Heart-shaped leaves on mounded 4-6" plants covered with 3" mostly bicolor flowers, with darker whiskers and yellow eyes.
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Viola sororia 6-10" tall. North American native with cheery blue-purple flowers and attractive heart-shaped leaves, all edible. Larval host plant for multiple species of butterflies. Z3.
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Viola tricolor Open-pollinated. Cute tricolor blooms in violet, lavender and canary yellow. 4-6" tall.
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Alternative lawn mix includes 13 species of short and creeping plants, many of which feed pollinators.
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